Below, you can read the results of the first dream telepathy experiment conducted between Robert Waggoner (telepathic receiver) and two Dutch citizens (the organizer, Thunal, and the telepathic sender, Anneloes). 

Though in this post, you see the target image before reading my dreams on the experimental night, I sent the dreams before the target image was revealed.  As you can see, my set of dreams all relate to the content of the target image – which stunned the organizer (who had previously claimed that dream telepathy were likely fraudulent, and thus, I asked him to find the ‘sender’ so he could not say that fraud was involved). The link to this can be found at this url:



Joined: 23 Apr 2009
Posts: 1001
Location: Veenendaal, the Netherlands

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:35 pm Post subject: Dream Telepathy Experiments Reply with quote

Just recently, I, Robert Waggoner and Orione, had a Dream Telepathy experiment, which Robert has suggested is the mechanism that explains ‘how’ mutual dreaming happens. I was the one who would see if everything went according to plan, and no one cheated.

I must say, I am quite sceptical, because I was raised a Christian, but I found out it was fake (for me), so I now see most spiritual things as fairy tales. When we started this Dream Telepathy experiment, I didn’t really believe anything special would happen.
But it did.

The experiment was as follows: I needed to pick five pictures. Shuffle them randomly and present them to the Telepathic Sender (Orione). She was then supposed to think about that picture for some time, and have an intention of sending it to the Telepathic Receiver (Robert Waggoner). He would go to sleep, and recall the dreams dreamt that night with the intention to receive the Telepathic Sender’s image.

The Telepathic Sender would send me a note on how she sent the image, and the Telepathic Receiver would send me his dreams in which he tried to receive the imagery. I would compare them as sceptically as I could. But the evidence was quite overwhelming, in favour of Dream Telepathy.
On Friday night, Oct 2, 09, we conducted the experiment. The Telepathic Sender was instructed to spend five minutes in each of five hours ‘sending’ the image. On Saturday morning, the Telepathic Receiver sent me his dreams.

The recipient had gotten so many details from the picture and even things the sender had thought of a little while before, during and after the procedure.
Explain it how you want, but it’s most likely Dream Telepathy.
You can of course say that they cheated, and try it for yourself. But, please, don’t prejudge a situation you haven’t explored yet.

We have posted the Telepathic Receiver’s dreams below, and then the image sent by the Telepathic Sender.

Edit: I seem to have placed it in the wrong topic. It should be in Exploration of the Dreamworld Smile

Last edited by Thunal on Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 23 Apr 2009
Posts: 1001
Location: Veenendaal, the Netherlands

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:40 pmPost subject: The picture and dreams Reply with quote

The picture and the dreams:

Dream 1) I sit with others around picnic tables, talking about cooperation and water.

Dream 2) My wife calls a friend on the phone, while we sit in bed. She tells him to change the game time from 5 to 6:30. We then go to a restaurant with a family-like living room. There are pictures of scrambled eggs and bacon, etc., hanging on the walls. I have a beer.

We walk to a series of white tables, and sit across from a woman in a yellow gold dress who is very pregnant!! As we sit down, she gives a ‘gasp’ like she may be ready to have the baby – she looks and her husband and seems worried. Something about teaching or teaching a girl.

Dream 3) Thomas B (a professor here from Germany) sits with three others in front of a TV cabinet, watching a show – but it also seems they are being interviewed by the television. There is food on a nearby table with a white table cloth. At some later point, Thomas seems to come with a tractor to get things.

Dream 4) I go along a street and see a couch near the road, which has books on it. I pick up an old book, which seems to have a foreign name – like a fantasy book or book of tales or myths. I open it up and it has a colorful image of a man in a robe, pointing with his hand (looks like Moses).

I then seem to be waiting outside a café for my brother, but the café is not open and my brother is not there. I decide to leave, but now the roads are icy, and the street is blocked by cars and trucks. I go back to the café.

My brother shows up with his wife and others, and I realize that another place, Giselle’s, is open. I go there, and discover another café upstairs, which is more charming with old windows, plants, etc. Here, there are offering a brunch of eggs, fruit, pastry and more. Suddenly, it fills up with people. Just as I prepare to sit on a sofa, a disabled man appears, and I give him the seat. I tell people that I am doing an experiment with some Europeans. (too bad that I did not become lucid!!)